KAU News

KAU's International Summer Program With TSTU, Accompanied by Vice Rector’s Visit

  • 2024-08-20


Korea Aerospace University (KAU) will operate the International Summer Program (ISP) for the staff and students of Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU) in Uzbekistan from August 11 to 17.

Five members of TSTU delegation, including Vice Rector Omonov Otajon Juraqulovich, and eighteen TSTU students majoring in aviation transportation will attend this year's ISP. Vice Rector Juraqulovich and his delegation initiated their official schedule by meeting and receiving the welcoming ceremony of KAU President Hurr Hee-young and his fellow staff.

“As this session will be KAU's first IPS with TSTU, our staff are very excited as well,” stated President Hurr as he greeted the TSTU delegation. He added, “We promise to do our best in operations to ensure this program benefits the professors and students who have traveled from afar and becomes an exemplary case for international cooperation between our institutions.” Chair Professor Hong Nam-gi commented, “I have always been interested in advancing the economic cooperation between Korea and Uzbekistan, which is why I am thrilled to see our university build a close relationship with TSTU,” adding, “I hope you use this ISP to your advantage and enjoy Korean culture as well as learning as much as you can.” Chair Professor Lee Jin-sang, who will oversee the ISP, along with Director Song Woon-gyeong of the International Exchange Office, Director Hwang Wan-sik of the Student Affairs Office, and Director Kim In-gyu of the Flight Training Center, also welcomed the members of TSTU.


TSTU is a national university located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s capital, which focuses on areas related to aerospace and transportation. TSTU signed its first memorandum of understanding with KAU during the March visit of the Uzbekistani President’s Office’s Aerospace Cooperation Group and agreed to cooperate on various agendas, including academic research and staff and student exchanges. The two schools have since established their close relationship, as the KAU Summer International Volunteer Group, consisting of KAU students, personally visited TSTU since last year’s summer vacation to offer educational volunteering services on knowledge regarding drones, rockets, and other similar areas.

Vice Rector Juraqulovich showed his gratitude for the warm hospitality received from our university since the previous day, stating, “KAU is the most prominent institution in Uzbekistan’s international aviation cooperation, with high interest from the Uzbek Ministry of Education and Ministry of Transport in our collaborative projects.” He added, “I hope for increased academic exchanges between KAU and TSTU and wish to gather as much necessary information as possible during this visit.” President Hurr acknowledged his gratitude, responding, “We will spare no effort in sharing the capabilities our university has accumulated for 70 years in Korea’s private aerospace fields.”

TSUT faculty, staff, and students will take special courses prepared by KAU during the week-long ISP period. These courses will be accompanied by on-site field trip programs, during which they will tour the Incheon International Airport and Korean Airlines’ facilities and experience Korean culture by visiting attractions such as Wolmi Island and Nami Island. During the program, TSTU staff will meet with the KAU International Exchange Office to discuss matters related to the joint diploma course, which is being implemented as a collaboration between the two schools.