KAU News

Rwandan Minister of Education Visits to Benchmark for the Establishment of Aviation University

  • 2024-06-11



Minister of Education Claudette Irere of Rwanda visited Korea Aerospace University at 3 pm on June 4. Minister Irere, visiting Korea with the President of Rwanda for the "2024 Korea-Africa Summit," is visiting major universities in the country including our university to promote partnerships between the two countries' higher education institutions. Her visit to KAU aimed to discuss exchange and cooperation plans related to the Aviation Academy scheduled to be established in Rwanda this year.

At the university, President Hee-Young Hurr of Korea Aerospace University along with other officials welcomed Minister Irere. President Hurr gave Minister Irere a tour of the university's main facilities, including the A300 exhibition aircraft, pilot training room, and air traffic control simulation room. Minister Irere also attended the "AIRBUS 101" event jointly organized by the university and global aircraft manufacturer AIRBUS, where she delivered a brief speech.

As a small landlocked country in Africa, Rwanda has been rebuilding itself from the civil war in the 2000s. Following the examples of countries like South Korea and Singapore, it has achieved stability in a short period of time through economic growth. Despite its lack of natural resources, Rwanda has significant growth potential with 70 percent of its 14 million population below 35 years. The country aims to become the business hub of Africa by improving infrastructure particularly air transportation, leveraging its central geographical location on the continent.

In discussing her country's situation, Minister Irere emphasized the urgent need to develop skills and train professionals across the entire aviation industry value chain for Rwanda's growth. To address this, Rwanda is establishing an aviation university to train pilots, air traffic controllers, and mechanics, with the construction of the campus set to begin this year. Minister Irere expressed her desire to partner with KAU, seeking close collaboration throughout the establishment and operation of the aviation university, and to benchmark KAU's curriculum. President Hurr expressed deep understanding of Minister Irere's objectives and committed to active cooperation with the university in the future.

Minister Irere and KAU officials agreed to expand human exchanges with Rwanda gradually, beginning with the acceptance of Rwandan students into Korea's Fellowship Programme on Global Aviation Policy. Supported by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, this program will be implemented for the first time in August this year. 

It also offers a master's degree in aviation for government officials from developing countries. Moreover, they agreed to develop detailed plans for exchange and cooperation further, including the establishment of the aviation university.

As an aerospace university, KAU joined ALICANTO, an international aerospace education organization established by ICAO in 2023, to facilitate exchanges with other aerospace universities worldwide. Since 2020, KAU has been operating a master's degree training program for aviation practitioners and managers from developing countries like Rwanda and Tanzania through an agreement with KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). The university boasts of three flight training centers in Korea and one in Florida, USA, and it is actively collaborating with developing countries including Uzbekistan to cultivate global aviation talent.