KAU News

Admission Presentation at Overseas Korean Schools in Three Asian Countries

  • 2024-05-28


The KAU Office of Admissions successfully gave an admission presentation at overseas Korean schools following last year. This event was held in collaboration with 16 schools (institutions) in Indonesia, Vietnam, and China (Beijing, Shanghai, and Qingdao) from April to May. The presentation was given in six more schools (institutions) than last year.

The Director of Office of Admissions and admission officers stressed that overseas multilingual Koreans can be global aerospace leaders after completing a creative curriculum. "The Korea AeroSpace Administration is about to be launched, and InnoSpace founded by a KAU alumnus succeeded in launching Korea’s first private launch vehicle. The era of new space has begun in the Republic of Korea,” they added. They also suggested that students develop their career as future aerospace experts at Korea Aerospace University. In addition, they held an online Q&A session for overseas Korean students and their parents who could not attend the presentation in person.

"We will give presentations in more countries and regions including Guangzhou and Japan, if possible," said an official at the Office of Admissions.

KAU will accept online applications for special admissions for overseas Koreans (3 years’ stay, 12 years’ stay) for next year from July 8 to 12 (Mon.–Fri.). Contact the Office of Admissions (admission@kau.ac.kr / +82-2-300-0446) for further information on admission.